Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What an Egg-sperience!!!

We have had an amazing week! Here is a picture of our five baby chicks, which all by the way, have names! So here they are: Midnight is to the left of the feeder bowl, Sunshine is at the top of the picture, then Mohawk, then Little Stripe, and then Armstrong.
We decided to opt out of recess today and play with our baby chicks instead- here are Midnight and Mohawk thinking "I don't think we are in Kansas anymore!" They were excitedly exploring/pooping on our carpet. I nicknamed the chicks the "pooping machines."

Here is Alex with either Mohawk or Little Stripe- hard to tell from this angle.
Look at these smiles, priceless! Thai and Ian are having a blast with their chicks!
Here are Cameron, Jack B, Jake, and Trey with Little Stripe.
Look at these three chicks! Casey, Mikayla and Sammie and the animals of course!

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