For our first writing project we wrote Auto Bio Poems to tell about ourselves. I like to do this and leave them out at Open House for parents to enjoy. For the parents who are unable to attend or want to share with relatives that live elsewhere, I have decided to also type them on the blog. Please remember that everything is typed as the children have written them. I have left out the last line of the poem, the child's last name, for safety reasons.
Aubreynice, fun, and sweet
Daughter of April and Matt
Who feels hungry, tired, and happy
Loves cheatahs, Dasiy, and Mama
Who needs food, animals, and friends
Who gives love, scare, and kisses
Who is scared of cocroachas
Who would like to meet Miley Cyrus, The Jonas Brothers, and the Cheatah Girls
Who lives in Jacksonville
Alexcrasey, nice, an actev
Son of Rebecca and Todd
Who feels hungy, happy, and hot
Loves sports, famly, and friends
Who needs water, food and air, famly, toys, friends, and canedy
Who gives toy,caneay, and joy
Who is scared of dieing
Who would like to meet Gorg Woshingten, Sombey, Gorg bush
Who lives in Jacksonville
Jack quiet, and funny
Some of Larua and Mark
Who feels hungry, hot, and happy
Loves Pokemon, Legos, and family
Who needs Legos, cards, and food
Who gives toys, candy, and cards
Who is scared of dieing
Who would like to meet Geoge Lucis and RL Stine
Who lives in Jacksonville
Josephineshy, crazy, and funny
Daughter of Margret and Mark
Who feels tired, happy and cold
Loves candy, jo-jo, and friends
Who needs food, water, and faimaly
Who gives hugs, laughs, and happiness
Who is scared of sky diving, dings, and giant cricets
Who would like to meet Michel Jackson, Reana, and Gorge Washingten
Who lives in Jacksonville
Jakecrazey, fun, and mad
Son of John and Rebecca
Who feels hungry, tierd, and cold
Loves Max, home, and toys
Who needs toys, gams, and, and toys
Who gives lerning, books, and toys
Who is scared of snakes and spiders
Who would like to meet Hairisin Ford, Columbus, and Bush
WHo lives in Jacksonville
Kinseyfun, nice, and freindful
Daugter of Debbie and Doug
Who feels happy, tired, and hungry
Who loves faimly, fasion, and pets
Who needs food, air, and water
Who gives freindship, shelter, and love
Who is scared of flying and sharks
Wh would like to meet Hannah Montnah, Jorden Pruet, and God
Who lives in Jacksonville
Ryanfunny, smart, and freneidle
Son of Sean and Animiria
Who feels hungry, hot, and bored
Who loves famaiy, recess, and since
Who needs my bacugan, lunch, and Mommy
Who gives hopes, dreams, and love
Who is scared of the dark, bed, and wolfs
Who whold like to meet the Jetsons, Vader, and Piukacu
Who lives in Jacksonville
Jack L.
nice, smart, and funny
Son of John and Susan
Who feels cold, happy, and tired
Who loves Benny, Mom, and Blue
Who needs food, water, and air
Who gives love, fun, and jokes
Who is scared of spiders and snakes
Who would like to meet Itchy, Scratchy, and Mr. Goods
Who lives in Neptune Beach
Sammiesweet, fast, kind
Daughter of Lisa and Mike
Who feels hapy, confadend, and excited
Loves Streak, school, and art
Who needs food, mom and dad, and water
Who gives hugs, kisses, and happyness
Who is scared of the dark and leaches
Who would like to meet Jonas Brothers, Demi Lavato, and Selena Gomez
Who lives in Jacksonville
Haileyfunny, nice, active
Daughter of Eileen and Sam
Who feels happy, hungry and cofedent
Loves gymnastics, craft, and tv
Who needs food, toys, and bed
Who gives love happyness, and toys
Who is scared of roallercoasters, spiders, and the night
Who would like to meet Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, and Jordan Pruitt
Who lives in Jacksonville
Lukefunny, active, smart
Son of Jim and Cindy
Who feels hungry, tired, and happy
Who loves watermelon, my family, and leaning
Who needs food, school, and toys
Who gives love, happyenis, and toys
Who is scared of volacano and elcritcey
Who would like to meet Luke Skywalker, Darthvader, and Yoda
Who lives in Jacksonville
Treyhelpful, active, and nice
Son of Ray and Tresea
Who feels hungry, happy, and excited
Loves sports, legos, and science
Who needs toys, computers, and frinds
Who gives prestints, hugs, and love
Who is scared of snakes, stinkbugs, and fire ants
Who would like to meet David Cook, Abraham, and Washington
Who livs in Jacksonvill
Caseysmart, fast, and asome
Daughter of Andrew and Cori
Who feels nerveous, I wanna laugh, and happy
Loves soccer, animals, friends, and family
Who needs food, water, shelter, and air
Who gives kisses, hearts, and hugs
Who is scared of some birds and the dark alone
Who would like to meet Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, and Teddy Rooservelt
Who lives in Jacksonville
Cameroncrazy, monkeyish, and smart
Son of Joe and Paula
Who feels tired, hungry, and happy
Loves toys, skateboarding, and tv
Who needs toys, playying, and computer
Who gives fun, joy, and jokes
Who is skared of flying and grasshoppers
Who would like to meet Tony Hawk, Luke Skywalker, and Darth Tater
Who lives in Jacksonville
Thaismart, active, and helpful
Son of Ivan and Ann
Who feels happy, excited, and great
Loves school, learning, and friends
Who needs love ,engry, and brain food
Who gives happyness, jokes, and fun
Who is scared of poison and deadly things
Who would like to meet Luke Skywalker and Han Solo
Who lives in Jacksonville
MichaelKind of nice, kind of mean, and smart
Son of Zhong and Xingli
Who feels hot, hungry, and weird
Loves dogs, steak, and BOTS!
Who needs food, drink, and life
Who gives pressents, hugs, and waves
Who is scared of the reaper, Bloodi marry and Kronos the dragon lord
Who would like to meet the reaper, Kronos the dragon lord, and a computer
Who lives in Jacksonville
NathanMamas boy, funny, and nice
Son of Trina and Gregory
Who feels hungry, happy, and glad
Loves Mom, Dad, and my godmother
Who needs hugs, kisses, and food
Who gives hugs, kisses, and love
Who is scared of spiders, snakes, and nightmares
Who would like to meet George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and Columbus
Who lives in Jacksonville
Iansweet, funny, fun
Son of Robbie and Wendy
Who feels happy, hot, and tired
Loves lelostech, mom dad, and my sisters
Who needs money, food, and juse
Who gives hugs, kisses, toys
Who is scared of spiders, snakes, and in the dark alone
Who would like to meet Abe Lincoln and Nick Jones
Who lives in Jacksonville
Mikaylakind, shy, and gentle
Daughter of Mike and Kay
Who feels hungry, exited, and cold
Loves Matt, Brucie, and Koua
Who needs water, kisses, and famiely
Who gives love, care, and presents
Who is scared of frog croaks at night,the dark, and sky diveing
Who would like to meet Miley Cyres, Abe lincon, Goeroge Bush
Who lives in Jacksonville
Elikind, helpful, and smart
Son of Wende and T.J.
Who feels happy, hungry, and joyful
Loves Sparky, Buster, and Inkspell
Who needs food, candy,and dessert
Who gives magic, fun, and dragonology
Who is afraid of math and fear
Who would like to meet Merlin, Dr. Ernest Drake, and Coralis
Who lives in Jacksonville