Here was what the students heard:
The person on the left is smiling and wearing a hat.
The next person has very long straight hair and is wearing eyeglasses.
The third person is wearing a baseball hat. She is blowing a bubble that completely covers up the nose on her face.
The next person is wearing some very cool sunglasses.
The fifth person is laughing. A necklace she is wearing is made up of big and small beads.
The next person has eyebrows that go up. He is looking quite surprised, because a big bee has just landed on his rather large nose.
The seventh person is looking at the person with the bee on her nose. She looks surprised, too.
The eighth person is turned around, and all you can see is the back of her head.
The pictures were posted outside of our classroom for everyone to see. Here are a few examples of the work the students did.

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