In math we have been working on taking surveys or doing experiments and obtaining data. Then we take the data and sort it into appropriate categories. After we have sorted the data we use different representations to display the data. We took about 20 items and did the experiment called Sink or Float? Each child had a copy of the yellow paper you see pictured below so they could record their data. Before each item was dropped into the water we made a hypothesis about whether we thought it would sink or float.
After we did the whole experiement the class was split up into 4 groups and were asked to make different representations of the same data. In this picture you see the form they used to record their data and one group who used a bar graph.

Here are two other representations. One is a T chart and the other is a Venn Diagram.

Lastly, this group decided to draw a picture to display their data.

All of these representations show the exact same data, just in a different way!
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