This picture shows one of the other activities called "popcorn pictures." Students were instructed to create a picture using popcorn kernels.

Sammie- popcorn hotel, universal popcorn, a place like Nickelodeon but there is no slime, instead there is popcorn.
Casey- Famous places- Butter Tower, Leaning popcorn bag of caramel, and Cheddar Face Studios
Nathan- afternoon the clock explodes with popcorn, all food includes at least 1 piece of popcorn.
Eli invented spinach flavor popcorn.
Josie invented marshmallow popcorn.

Nathan invented M and Ms popcorn.
Casey invented cocoa popcorn.
Trey invented mayo popcorn.
Thai invented peanut butter popcorn.
Ian invented mint corn.
Michael invented Jello popcorn.
Luke invented ice cream popcorn.
Aubrey invented nut corn.
Jack B. invented meat popcorn.
Jake invented bitter popcorn.
Kinsey invented strawberry popcorn.
Ryan invented vanilla popcorn.
Jack L invented blasted popcorn- all different flavors!
Hailey invented cocoa popcorn.

Nathan said his pet should eat buter, caramel, and cheddar.
Casey said her pet should have 2 cups of salt 4 times a day.
Ian said that his pet can eat people food.
Cameron said you need to play with his pet everyday.
Michael said his pet eats bugs.
Aubrey said her pet needed a walk every 10 hours.
Josie said her pet needed lots of exercise!
Jake said his pet needs to eat when it barks.
Jack L. said his pet eats other popcorn.
Eli said his pet has 1-5 drops of butter each day.

Kinsey- The pet manual was my favorite because it was fun.
Michael- Design a monster was my favorite because it was creative.
Nathan- How to care for your pet was my favorite because I like pets.
Josie- Pet manual was my favorite because it was creative to think of what they like to do.
Eli- Popcorn games was my favorite because it was creative.
Casey- Design a monster was my favorite because it was unique.
Jack B- Creating a new flavor was my favorite because it was creative.
Cameron- Creative writing was my favorite because you could make it funny.
Sammie- The brochure was my favorite because you can think of superstars and famous places.
Trey- Designing a new flavor was my favorite because it was funny and easy.
Jake- Designing a monster was my favorite because it was creative.
Ryan- The Pink Popcorn Caper was my favorite because you can write your own story.
Thai- Designing a new flavor was my favorite because it was creative.
Aubrey- The brochure was my favorite because you can use your imagination.
Ian- Writing jokes about popcorn was my favorite because they were funny.
Jack L- Popcorn pictures was my favorite because I like to make pictures out of stuff.
Mikayla- Creative ways to use popcorn was my favorite because you can write down things that pop into your mind!
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