Jake- Lego Adventures
Thai- Car Race
Aubrey- Miami Game
Hailey- Bracelet Maker
Sammie- Hampster Fun
Luke- Chorry
Josie- Lost in Flight
Ian- Monopoly World Adventure
Kinsey- Beary
Casey- Football Launcher
Nathan- Penguin Walker
Mikayla- Waterball and Sew a Car
Ryan- Footbatimer
Michael- Transform Board
Jack B- Lego Indiana Jones Quest
Eli- Dragon Kingdom Chess

We have finished another Think Tank! This one was all about Toys and Games. Activity #3 (pictured above) was to invent a new toy or game. Many of the students chose this one and found that it took an awfully long time, but they put so much detail into it! They made the game board, pieces, dice, etc.. Check out all the pictures below!

Nathan compared Teletubbies and video games. Jack L compared Beenie Babies and a yo-yo.

Hailey chose Scrabble. Alex chose Legos. Jack L. chose Webkinz. Mikayla chose Silly Putty. Nathan chose Beenie Babies. Cameron chose Legos.

The students in this picture wrote questions to ask the inventor of a specific toy or game.

Alex and Jack B. both worked on summarizing the book How a Crayon is made.

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