The day has finally arrived!! The "Chicken Man" came to school today to drop off our chicken eggs and incubators.
Here he is with his lovely assistant Casey trying to determine if an egg can breathe.

This is a picture of our six eggs and the incubator. Keep your fingers crossed that we have some hatch! The "Chicken Man" said it was no guarantee that any will hatch successfully- so we are trying to think positively!

Once the incubator reached the appropriate temperature of 100 degrees we were able to place the eggs in. I labeled the eggs with an X and an O on opposite sides. We need to turn the eggs three time a day- so the labeling will help us know when we have a complete turn.

I made a schedule to ensure that we made the correct amount of turns each day.

Here is a picture of Cameron, Jack L, and Jake taking a look at our eggs in the incubator in their "looking position."
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