Saturday, May 16, 2009

Think Tank- Impressionism

This was our last think tank of the year. We studied a type of art called Impressionism. The kids absolutely loved it! You can tell how much they enjoyed it by the number of kids who chose to do each activity. They got the chance to use different types of mediums in art, pastels, paint, markers, colored pencils, and crayons. I highlighted the artists Monet, Degas, Cassatt, Pissarro, and Renoir.
The two activities pictured here is to create a landscape postcard and experiment with crayon and watercolor together.

These two activities are writing a letter to a friend from the book Linnea's in Monet's Garden and draw scene of an athlete in motion.

This activity was an experiment with pointillism- did they like the way the dots looked better than brush strokes and why? The class was split on which style they liked better.

This activity had the kids choosing their favorite piece and recreating it. Most kids picked Monet's artwork to recreate. They also made genre scenes that were taken from an everyday activity.

We read about how in the beginning these artists were laughed at and nobody thought very much about their work. I asked the students to determine if this was right or wrong and why.

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