Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Brain Stations

The students were able to circulate through four brain stations that promoted critical and creative thinking. The following pictures show students in each of the four centers hard at work!

The stations were listed on the board. The students were put into groups and circulated around together. They knew where to meet and what to bring with them to that center. Each center lasted for about 25 minutes.

This group was working together on the brain station "Time to Eat." The most difficult task in this brain station was not being able to use the same food more than once on the page!

Josie did a great job of deciphering the coded words in "Good Luck 2 u!" She was also helpful at helping team members that didn't understand quite what to do at first.

This group is working together on the brain station "Stick Stories." This group was having great discussions on why they thought specific sentences went with the stick pictures.

Eli is here hard at work at the "A Look at a Book" station.

Here are some comments written by the kids when asked the question
"Did you enjoy doing Brain Stations today? Why?"
"I liked the brain stations because theres 3 reasons. It's a good way to learn how to work with a group. It's a good way to make friends. It's a fun way to learn."
- Mikayla
"I liked it because it was fun and challenging."
- Casey
"I liked the stations because I like challenges."
- Eli
"I enjoyed brain stations because its a good thing to do and it can help your brain and your mind."
- Nathan
"I liked brain stations because it was fun yet challenging."
"I liked brain stations because they were fun. It was fun because I liked the fun activities."
- Ian


Unknown said...

Thank you, this is very fun and helpful to understanding what the children are doing in class. Alex enjoyed reading everyone's comments.

Mark C said...

This is great. I cannot wait to show it to Josie!


Wendy U. said...

This is awesome! I love to see what is going on in the class. Great idea! Can't wait to show Ian.