Friday, October 17, 2008

Campfire Songs 1

This week we started our second theme in reading. The theme is centered around nature. This week we read Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night. It is about Henry and his family going camping. One of the activities that we did with this story was to create a campfire song that is sung to the tune of a familiar song. As you can see in the background of many of the videos- we brainstormed a list of song choices on the board.
I had to break this up into two different sections to be able to get all the videos to fit. Every child in the class participated and is on here!
Above each video I have written what song tune they are singing to, just in case you can't figure it out!!

These two videos are both sung to the tune of Sweet Home Alabama. They are working on this song in music class.

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