Friday, February 13, 2009

Constructing an Ant Playground

We read a nonfiction story this week called "Ant." We learned a lot of great new facts about ant life and different kinds of ants. I thought it might be neat for the kids to build an ant playground/amusement park. They decided their groups, came up with construction company names, named their playgrounds, and came up with the rules that would be followed by the ants. Adorable! The kids had a ball with it and their creativity, as always, shined through!

They named their construction company: The Kids Co.
They named their playground: Ant Land
Here are their rules:
1. No bullying.
2. No going down the slide head first.
3. No climbing up the slide.
4. No standing on the bar.
5. Most important rule: Have Fun!

They named their construction company: C.M.S. Ant Corp
They named their playground: Ant Mania
Here are their rules:
1. Do not push or shove.
2. Girls only in secrate tunnel.
3. Only 5 ants in the steamer.
4. Only 3 ants on the parrelel bars at a time.
5. Have Fun!

They named their construction company: J.J.E.M
They named their playground: Playground of Ants/ P.O.A.
Here are their rules:
1. No climbing up a slide.
2. Always wear fake wings on the death slide.
3. Always be fair on the racing slide.
4. Always use provided wall climbers to enter play structure.
5. Only use exercise area if you are over 12.

They named their construction company: ITT and L
They named their playground: Ant World
Here are their rules:
1. Only ride on ramp.
2. Only run during amergens and chase
3. 1 lap before playing.
4. Go slow on the ramp!
5. Have Fun!
They named their construction company: Rainbow Ants Company
They named their playground: Anthill Play Park
Here are their rules:
1. No walking.
2. Always have fun.
3. Always climb up slides.
4. Only 3 ants at a time.
5. No food or drinks on the eqipment.

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